How do I know that?
cuz I can spin out my 42-18 SS at 21 mph and my cadence stayed relatively low (under 110) most of the ride. But as soon as we turned out of the wind it was on. The leaders shot off and up the hills of carnahan creek. Those kids from Saint Cloud were really hauling. Towards the end Andy from ND caught me, after having gone down in the pack calamity earlier. He was looking bloody but awfully determined. I was really under geared at 42-18 and could have easily turned a 16 and perhaps even a 14 up those hills. But even then I lost so much ground on the backside of the hills it would not have mattered what I had geared. I had a good time and got some cheers from a few. and will try riding a geared bike next weekend.
After a burrito with Brian Snyder, Big Al and I worked the TTT at the turn around point in the afternoon and made fun of lots of stuff while we sat in the KS sunshine. It was really enjoyable.
That evening I made dinner for the ND team and then we went to aggieville to checkout the crit course and indulge in a beverage at the Kathouse lounge to see the KU/UNC game (I always hesitate to tell people that go to a place called the cathouse sorta sounds like a strip club)
KU laid the beatdown on UNC!
We were up early the next morning to pick up our Brew 2 Brew team of Josh Patterso
Patterson had been out reveling in the victory of his team the previous night but appeared bright eyed and bushy tailed and ready to bust out the first leg of our adventure. Which was more than what could be said for me. It became obvious early on that our main competition was gonna be a bunch of yahoos that were one short of a six pack. There were five to our four (Pale Ale, Porter, Wheat, Irish ale, and a Stout) We yo-yo'ed back and forth throughout the race. and Eric (our fastest runner) really smoked the Pale Ale on his last and our next to last lap. Paul was running his third leg as our anchor leg, but he was unable to hold off their "Stout" over the levy section leading to the finish. It was a va
We had a great time and were really challenged by the mileage aspect of this race cuz the mileage for each leg was really inaccurate and erratic. You would think that you had a 5 mile leg and it would only be 2.3 miles. That made it hard on you mentally and physically to set pace. Would do it again though!
Notice in this picture Josh and I made Paul and Eric stand downhill on the levy so we did not look so short. We are crafty like that.
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