Thursday, December 18, 2008


Got a good bit of snow coupled with some brain freeze inducing cold so big Al took matters into her own hands and got the ok from my folk to give me my Christmas present early.
Pearl Izumi Barrier GTX winter boots.
This will make my winter adventures much more enjoyable.
Note: Gaiters are also really helpful in keeping fluffy snow out of your socks

Got the call from her Al-ness that there was gonna be ski biking in the afternoon so I left work early to meet Al, Brutus along with Tanner, Krispy, and their roommate for some snow bike action.

Since it has been really deep snow I busted out the bike with the fatties.

Never Doubt big Al's ability to make a sick snow angel

We rounded out the evening by playing maul the stuffed duck toy thingy with Brutus.

I manned up and signed up for the Ouachita 80 miler on the SS. There is gonna a huge KS and KC contingent down there this year.

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