Thursday, August 28, 2008

Living off the land

So now that school has started up the constraints on my time and wallet are great. Its hard for me to ride my bike back across town to eat lunch at home, and I lack the planning to actually make a lunch and take it with me. So I have been trying to survive with only skills honed by years of bush craft and and dirt baggery.
Lunch: 3 hotdogs and a bag of chips pilfered under the guise of jobs searching at a career fair. I then made small talk with a military recruiter to get at her bottled water. the taste of success is quite sweet.
around three oclock I was feeling like some call hall ice cream so I ghosted across campus to crash president Wefalds speech and ensuing ice cream social.
Tomorrow there will be a reception at the international center......I love ethnic food! And I am getting ready to roll out to the New alumni center for a reception for young alumni (of which I am neither). word on the street is there will be finger sandwiches and ice cream. I love sandwiches made with fingers.
Football season starts too.......that means its tailgate season......and we are all K-State how bout you hand me some of those wings over there.....
The Allman brothers may have been familiar with the high cost of low living, but I am perfecting the low cost of high living......I may start working the wedding scene too!

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