Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Occasionally you hear people talk about being shocked, and I sort of never really knew what was truly meant by being shocked, like totally incapacitated, not knowing what happened, and why there is is white goo all over my body kind of shock................................................................................
If you wish to experience this sensation for yourself you should inflate a bike tire via my ghetto tubeless method using a industrial air compressor (like what I use to seat the bead on tractor tires).
I did not realize that the bead was set as I continued to, unwittingly, overinflated the bomb in my hand. I was holding the wheel at the hub, sort of bent over it and the next thing I know the wheels is skittering across the shop floor, I am temporarily deaf, there is a huge welt forming on my arm, and the area immediately surrounding me looks like the stage after a Gwar concert.
There was definitely a good second and half where I really could not comprehend what had happened. Shock.
Also ruined the bead on a old maxxis. Poop!

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